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كوليفينج سبيسز لـ Aashak altbyaa في البرتغال

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4.9 (843 reviews)

كوليفينج سبيسز في البرتغال

يوفر Coliving for Aashak altbyaa في البرتغال أسلوبًا جديدًا لأماكن الإقامة التقليدية، حيث يجمع بمهارة بين مزايا المعيشة المشتركة والاحتياجات الخاصة لـ Aashak altbyaa...

The charming western European country of Portugal has a very rich and proud tradition. They were one of the world’s earliest global superpowers and once laid claim to half of the “New World” at the peak of their colonial empire during the Renaissance period.
Portugal’s empire included Brazil, as well as many countries in Africa and Asia. Because of this, 236 million people from nine countries currently speak Portuguese as their official language.
Remote workers and digital nomads will enjoy mixing work with pleasure as they avail themselves of a myriad of exciting activities, as well as many wonderful coliving spaces spread throughout the country.

An impressive selection of historical and cultural landmarks await visitors of Portugal, starting with its 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites ranging from medieval castles, magnificent churches, and centuries-old stone carvings.
Portuguese food influence can be found in many modern cuisines, such as the tempura dishes of Japan (deep-fried seafood and vegetables in batter), peri-peri chicken in South America, the curries of India and Thailand, coffee in Brazil, and the Portuguese custard tart of Macau.

The Portuguese are passionate about football. Don’t miss the chance to catch one of the games in a local stadium and share the fans’ excitement. The national team of Portugal is always a perennial contender in prestigious international football tournaments such as the Euro, World Cup, and the Olympics.
Portugal is also one of the best places to surf in the world. With approximately 800 km of coastline, it's not difficult to catch a wave at one of the numerous beaches lining up the Atlantic Coast. Because Portugal is also blessed with year-round sunshine they claim that you can surf for 364 days a year (hey, even surfers need a day to rest).

Facts about Portugal:
• Portugal was the first colonial superpower to eradicate slavery in 1761, way ahead of Spain, France, Britain, and the United States
• Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon is the longest bridge in Europe at 17 km long
• Port, a sweet wine which originates from the Douro Valley near Porto, is the country’s most famous export
• Established in 1732, Bertrand bookstore in Lisbon is the oldest bookstore in the world
• Cabo da Roca in Portugal is the westernmost point in mainland Europe

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ألمانيا أوكرانيا أيرلندا أيسلندا إستونيا اسبانيا البرتغال الجمهورية التشيكية الدنمارك السويد المملكة المتحدة النرويج النمسا اليونان ايطاليا بلجيكا بلغاريا بولندا روسيا رومانيا سويسرا صربيا فرنسا فنلندا قبرص كرواتيا لوكسمبورغ ليتوانيا مالطا موناكو مونتينيغرو هنغاريا هولندا