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كوليفينج سبيسز لـ Albdo alrhl alrkmyon في بالما

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4.7 (147 reviews)

كوليفينج سبيسز في بالما

يوفر Coliving for Albdo alrhl alrkmyon في بالما أسلوبًا جديدًا لأماكن الإقامة التقليدية، حيث يجمع بمهارة بين مزايا المعيشة المشتركة والاحتياجات الخاصة لـ Albdo alrhl alrkmyon...

The dramatic gothic Santa Maria Cathedral lies in the center of this coliving destination. From here, you’ll encounter baroque churches on medieval street corners, bouncing from square to square while enjoying the Western Mediterranean spirit. It’s a destination that shouldn’t be missed off any digital nomad’s list.
West of the city lies Bellver Castle, a circular medieval fortress nestled into the hill, where if you dare to climb, you can enjoy sprawling views of the majestic city. One of the best parts about Palma is that it’s a thriving hub of life, with half of the island’s population living here. You shouldn’t be surprised by the amount of culture packed into its streets. One of the absolute highlights of the city is the fact you can cycle for miles along its shoreline. The Paseo Maritimo runs around the Bay of Palma with separate bike lanes. The views of the city are entirely different from those of the hilltop but still oh so exquisite.
Palma is a vibrant city with welcoming locals, and in the spring through autumnal months, a busy place full of travelers and remote workers. Any long-term visitors will fall in love with the incredible Mercat de L’Olivar, and almost be overwhelmed by the stalls piled high with produce from the surrounding islands. While living in Malaga, you must try the sobrasade sausage, an island delicacy for centuries.
Another great way to sample a variety of local food is to head to the old town for the La Ruta Martiana, where every Tuesday, bars offer small tapas and beer for 2-3 Euros. Whilst there, enjoy one of the many traditional Spanish eateries. Purchasing a Palma Pass ensures entry to all the sights and free public transport. This is a thriving city, with frequent good weather and workable Internet. Although more expensive than other coliving destinations, Palma is a top choice.

Fun facts about Palma:

- The largest of the Balearic Islands
- The name derives from the Latin for "larger island."
- Over 35,000 cyclists visit the island annually.

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