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كوليفينج سبيسز لـ Almhnyon alshbab في كاتالونيا

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4.9 (371 reviews)

كوليفينج سبيسز في كاتالونيا

يوفر Coliving for Almhnyon alshbab في كاتالونيا أسلوبًا جديدًا لأماكن الإقامة التقليدية، حيث يجمع بمهارة بين مزايا المعيشة المشتركة والاحتياجات الخاصة لـ Almhnyon alshbab...

Catalonia is a thriving autonomous region in the northeast of Spain. With so many opportunities along this expanse, more coliving spaces are popping up too.

The region is home to great mountains, rich natural scenery, and over 130 miles of coastline. The region is also home to phenomenal architecture - the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia is the region’s most famous building and a UNESCO world heritage site. There is no shortage of things to do - locals enjoy live music, festivals every month, and many outdoor activities.

Catalans love to eat - like other regions in Spain, Catalan cuisine offers unique foods along with many variations on traditional Spanish foods.

The climate on the Catalan coast provides mild winters and hot summers, while further inland there are colder winters and hotter summers. These variations in climate attract different digital nomads to different coliving spaces.

Getting around varies greatly based on where you are in the region. Barcelona has comprehensive city transport, while smaller towns require cars. It’s also quite easy to travel around the region by train or bus. Cycling in the city is nice - if you want to venture beyond, make sure you’re in good shape!

Here are some fun facts about Catalonia:

- Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe
- It’s been a trading region for a long time - after all, it’s perfectly positioned for trade with Africa and the rest of the Mediterranean
- Catalonia accounts for 16% of Spain’s population
- The region has three official languages: Spanish, Catalan, and Occitan - workers in the public sector are required to be able to speak Catalan
- Correfoc is a festival where people dress as devils, light fireworks, and act out the story of the battle between good and evil
- Writer George Orwell volunteered and fought for the Republic in the Spanish civil war
- Salvator Dali was from Catalonia
- The name Catalunya has many theories on its origins - two main ones are “Land of the Castles” and “Land of the Goths”

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أليكانتي إشبيلية إيبيزا بالما برشلونة بلباو بويرتو دي لا كروز تينيريفي جزر الكناري زابيا سانتا كروز دي تينيريفي سرقسطة سيندريز طريفة غران كناريا غرناطة فالنسيا فويرتيفنتورا قرطبة كاتالونيا كالافيل كوراليخو لا بالما لاس بالماس لوس يانوس ماربيلا مايوركا مدريد ملقة مورسيا