Welcome to our exciting co-living community, designed for remote workers, digital nomads, expats and students who want to experience the world in comfort. Our stunning apartment is located in a charming Portuguese fishing village that is renowned worldwide as a surfing paradise.
Our community offers a unique living experience that combines modern comfort with the joys of the great outdoors. The apartment is just a stone's throw from Ribeira D’Ilhas Beach, a golden-sand oasis that draws surfers from around the world due to its legendary tides. Whether you’re looking to ride some epic waves or simply relax and soak in the vibrant local culture, our co-living community is the perfect base for your Portuguese adventure.
Our property features a pool, a garden area, amazing sea views, and the waves you’ve been looking for your whole life!
Our dorms are at half capacity, so each one of our guests have a hole bunkbed to themselves! (top and bottom)
So why wait? Come and live like a local in our beautiful apartment and create memories that will last a lifetime
We are a professional yet warm community that transcends the typical stay. Our commitment to inclusivity shines through curated events and dynamic coworking spaces. We strive to create an environment where work seamlessly intertwines with a friendly atmosphere. Residents can expect not just accommodation but an invitation to a vibrant community that encourages connections, collaboration, and a sense of belonging.
Come to Ericeira, a captivating and vibrant community on the western coast of Portugal. Once a traditional fishing village, Ericeira has evolved into a must-see destination for surfers seeking the perfect wave. But Ericeira offers so much more than just great surf. Here, you’ll experience an authentic fishing village with a rich cultural heritage that has captivated visitors for generations.
Ericeira offers the best of both worlds, combining the timeless allure of a traditional fishing culture with the cool, relaxed vibe of the surfing community that flocks here every year. The tides here are among the best in the world for surfers, making Ericeira a reference point for the sport. But even if you’re not into surfing, Ericeira is a wonderful place to explore, with narrow cobblestone streets, whitewashed houses, and colorful fishing boats that offer a glimpse into an authentic way of life.
If you’re looking for a unique, off-the-beaten-path destination, Ericeira is the place for you. Tucked away on Portugal’s western coast just a 40-minute drive from Lisbon, this charming village offers a tranquil escape from the bustle of city life.
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مضيفون موثوق بهم
يتم التحقق من خلفيات جميع المضيفين بدقة من أجل سلامتك.
ضمان أفضل الأسعار
يجب على المضيفين تقديم أقل الأسعار لإدراجها على موقعنا.
حماية المدفوعات
يتم تحصيل الإيجار الخاص بك بشكل آمن ودفعه للمضيف بعد الانتقال.
ضمان استرداد الأموال
أبلغ عن عدم تطابق في غضون 24 ساعة لاسترداد الأموال أو الحصول على بديل.
دعم العملاء على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع
فريقنا هنا لمساعدتك في أي وقت، ليلاً أو نهاراً.
المراجعات التي تم التحقق منها
اكتشف تعليقات جديرة بالثقة من المقيمين الفعليين.
يُسمح باستخدام شخص آخر للغرفة، ولكن في الغرف الخاصة فقط. لا يُسمح بالزوار في الغرف المشتركة.
تُطبَّق تكلفة إضافية بنسبة 30% من السعر لمدة أسبوع واحد على الأقل حتى الإقامة الكاملة.
وهذا يعني أنه في حالة الإقامة لمدة 3 ليالٍ فقط، فإنها تدفع 30% إضافية من السعر الأسبوعي.
وإذا أقام 3 أشهر، فإنه يدفع 30% إضافية من السعر الشهري لتلك الفترة.