Сoliving & Coworking Gumbrini

Сoliving & Coworking Gumbrini

Precio a partir de US$150 / mes
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Acerca de Сoliving & Coworking Gumbrini

We make the world more accessible to those who trevel and work online.
We give a new opportunity to live in an clean and safe environment, travel and discover Georgia, meet interesting people and gain new experience and knowledge.

Just like a home needs a family, coworking spaces thrive on a community of like-minded people who share similar principles, interests, and lifestyles.

The coworking new_level is you, for you and about you!

We aim to be flexible with both types of accommodation and pricing options, ensuring we can provide you with a wide range of choices. Whether you prefer a single or double room, a shared room for two, a dormitory for four, or a comfortable tent for one or two, we have options to suit your needs.
Imagen de fondo de un espacio coliving

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