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彩色生活空间于 珀斯

If you’re a fan of beaches, metropolitan shopping areas, port city views, and multicultural cuisine options, consider the coliving hub of Perth, Australia. Located in the territory of Western Australia, Perth offers many useful options for remote workers interested in coworking, coliving and the digital nomad life. Called the “City of Light” because its residents illuminated their homes and streets with light as a ‘hello’ to American astronaut John Glenn in both 1962 and 1998, Perth is regarded as a friendly city for tourists and those seeking short-term and long-term stays. Perthians enjoy a lot of quality time outdoors—their city is sunny most of the time and in fact, gets more sun than any other territory’s capital. This makes it ideal for the dog-friendly culture and outdoor dining. It’s a great place for digital nomads who enjoy working and socializing outside at restaurants. Perth is a large city, but easy to traverse thanks to its new city rail line.

Facts about Perth:
- Perth is named after a city in Scotland.
- Perth has a history in the mining industry.
- With a convict history, much of Perth including its town hall was built with convict labor.
- An island just off the coast houses a population of quokkas, furry little rodent-like animals that just may exceed the cuteness levels of koalas and kangaroos.
- You can swim with whale sharks—the world’s biggest fish—at Ningaloo Reef between March and July. This is the only place in the world you can do it.
- Perth has 9 sister cities including Kagoshima (Japan), Houston and San Diego (United States), Taipei (Taiwan), Vasto (Italy), Nanjing and Chengdu (China), and Rhodes and Megisti (Greece).
- There’s plenty of street art in Perth: it’s ranked as the world’s fourth best city for it.
- Like urban parks? Perth’s King’s Park is the world’s largest (yes, bigger than Central Park).

If you’re interested in loads of adventure packed into one city, Perth might be the perfect place for you. Explore coliving options here in this thriving city - it’s got something for everyone.

在 珀斯 寻找负担得起的社区生活

在珀斯寻找负担得起的住房可能很难,尤其是在房租高昂的城市。许多人采用的一种解决方案是与室友共用空间的集体生活。这样既能拥有私人房间,又能负担得起理想地点的房租,是一种具有成本效益的方式。在珀斯寻找合住安排有几种不同的选择。 一种选择是在合住家庭中寻找出租的私人房间。这对于既想要一些私人空间,又想融入社区的人来说是个不错的选择。另一种选择是寻找合租房,与一个或多个室友共用一间卧室。这可能更经济实惠,因为您只需支付自己的床铺费用。但缺点是,由于要与他人共用一间卧室,您的私密性将大打折扣。您可以在 Coliving.com 上找到这两种住宿方式。我们可以根据您的喜好和生活方式帮您找到合适的室友。有些房东会进行背景调查和驱逐记录调查,以确保与您同住的室友是值得信赖的人。在寻找合住安排时,一定要尽职尽责,确保您对合住安排和合住者感到满意。




在珀斯 寻找经济实惠的社会住房选择?考虑一下合租,这是合租公寓的一种趋势,它将来自不同背景的人聚集在一起生活、工作并结成新的友谊。在珀斯,合住是一种替代宿舍的经济实惠的选择,它提供带家具的房间,个人租约和全包价格。

生活目的地 澳大利亚

凯恩斯 堪培拉 墨尔本 布里斯班 悉尼 拜伦湾 斯坦莫尔 珀斯