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彩色生活空间于 佛蒙特州

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彩色生活空间于 佛蒙特州

Vermont is named after the French words “vert mont,” meaning “green mountain”. This-laid back state brings some nice coliving opportunities for those who like the outdoors, or just something a bit calmer.

Vermont has four proper seasons, with cold, snowy winters and hot summers. Autumns are spectacular for rural drives or forest walks when the leaves begin to change color.

The state’s main attraction is the Appalachian mountain range. Winter offers fantastic snowboarding, and the warmer seasons allow for great mountain biking, trekking, and climbing. Burlington is where the most action is, especially for live music. The top cities for weekend getaways are Montreal, Boston, and New York City - all of which are accessible by car or bus.

Getting around Vermont requires a car. Once winter arrives, walking or waiting for a bus can be frustrating. If you’re brave you can try winter biking like some of the locals - with the proper layers combined with body heat, you keep quite warm!

Coliving spaces are never far from the best food and here it’s amazing - especially if you enjoy maple syrup. You can eat it off of snow (it hardens into a kind of toffee), in the form of soft-serve ice cream, or on pancakes like the rest of the country. If you want some regular ice cream, check out the Ben and Jerry’s factory in Burlington. There’s also plenty of great beer, with Vermont being ranked in the past as having the most microbreweries per capita.

Here are some fun facts about Vermont:

- It takes 40 years before a sugar maple can be tapped, and it takes forty gallons of tree sap to produce one gallon of maple syrup
- Vermont is America’s #1 producer of marble
- According to polls, it’s the least religious state with at only 22%
- It’s progressive - the first state to give women partial voting rights, abolish slavery, and legislate same-sex marriage.
- Billboard advertising is illegal




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