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彩色生活空间于 圣路易斯

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彩色生活空间于 圣路易斯

St. Louis was given the nickname, the “Gateway to the West” for its role in America’s westward expansion. Remote workers are plucking up coliving spaces in what is arguably one of the last unique cities in America.

What makes this city unique is that it hasn’t been gentrified like others. This means two things:
1) You don't need to spend $15 on a craft beer
2) Fun things are scattered - not all stacked in one place. This gives you a reason to explore and enjoy a city as was possible 20 years ago - no wonder coliving spaces are popping up around town!

Getting around town is quite easy without a car via bus and light rail. The city has dedicated bike lanes, which cars respect. There are no more bike-share programs but electric scooters are available for commutes.

St. Louis offers tons of fun things to do - the Gateway Arch makes for a classic photo-op, however, the city’s 10 story spiral slide might be more to your liking. The city also has some of the nicest museums in the country.

A classic Missouri food is a pork steak, which no one outside of the state knows what it is. While it’s not as popular as it used to be, a fried brain sandwich used to be a classic dish here and you can still order it. Also look out for toasted ravioli, the Gerber sandwich, and gooey butter cake for dessert.

Here are some fun facts about St. Louis:

- 7-up, the ice cream cone, and Jif peanut butter were invented here
- Iced tea was invented here at the 1904 world fair
- It’s named after King Louis IX of France
- Actors John Goodman and Kevin Kline along with Twitter creator Jack Dorsey are from here
- Locals consume more barbeque sauce per capita than any other US city
- After cities across America submitted their tap water for a blind taste test, St. Louis was judged to have the tastiest tap water in the US




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