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彩色生活空间于 盐湖城

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彩色生活空间于 盐湖城

Situated in the mountains, Salt Lake City is a stunning place to continue the coliving lifestyle. With a population of 200 000, there’s a big city feel without the overwhelming part.

The main attraction in town is no doubt the lake itself - ideal for any outdoor activities - hiking, boating, and fishing are all great experiences. Swimming in the lake is truly unique because the salt makes it so easy to float. Along with museums and other traditional destinations, there are over a dozen mountains to choose from for skiing or snowboarding. It’s no surprise that sporty digital nomads have found coliving spaces here.

If you’re a foodie, fear not! There is no shortage of amazing bites around town. There are also plenty of great cocktail bars and cafes for remote workers who like to get out. Utah may be landlocked but the city has amazing sushi with quality fish flown in daily.

Getting around town is easy and efficient with commuter trains, busses, and light rail options. These can also get you right up to the slopes. There’s a decent infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.

Salt Lake City has been rated one of the most LGBTQ cities in America - this includes great nightlife, a three-day pride festival, and the new LOVELOUD festival, which was founded by the singer of Imagine Dragons.

Here are some fun facts about Salt Lake City:

- Utah has the greatest snow on earth - the snow density makes for the perfect powder when skiing or snowboarding!
- It’s home to the world’s first KFC
- The Utah Jazz originally came from New Orleans - the name speaks for itself.
- 30,000 years ago the city, along with parts of Utah and Nevada was underwater
- The city has some weird records - they are the largest producer of rubber chickens and consume the most JELL-O per capita in the world




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