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彩色生活空间于 里士满

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彩色生活空间于 里士满

South of the nation's capital, Richmond, Virginia is a city bursting with history. Remote workers come to this coliving hub to relax, work, and learn some history. Richmond truly has four seasons - winters are cool and just below freezing at night while summers are warm but not unbearable like you might find in the southern states.

Richmond played a huge part in the American civil war, so history buffs are in for a treat. There many museums as well as the National Battlefield Park, where you can check out cannons and Gatling guns. Deep Bottom park is a great spot to go fishing, canoeing, and swimming if you can handle the current. Weekend trips to Virginia Beach (100 miles), Washington DC (110 miles), and Charlottesville (71 miles) are great options outside of the city limits.

Among other prizes, Richmond has been awarded the most fun and affordable city, the best place to take a vacation, and one of the top ten cities for up and coming entrepreneurs. It’s no surprise that digital nomads enjoy the best of coliving here.

Richmond offers up several classic Virginia comfort foods - these include peach cobbler, Chesapeake Bay oysters (and crabs), and of course some classic southern barbeque. Virginia is also a great wine producer!

With many paths and trails, Richmond is a very bikeable and walkable city but the car is still the king in town. There are also good bus options available around town.

Here are some fun facts about Richmond:

- Richmond designated the iris its municipal flower
- Richmond became the Confederate capital replacing Montogomery, Alabama in 1861
- The Jefferson Hotel used to have live alligators in the fountain. It became so trendy people would donate alligators. Today there are two bronze alligators as an homage to wilder times
- Edgar Allen Poe grew up in Richmond. Check out his museum
- Pocahontas lived in what is now Henricus Historical Park
- Thomas Jefferson designed the state capitol building
- Despite its name, Pony Pasture has no horses




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