Central and spacious home with old-world charm, recently renovated for modern travelers. The high ceilings and airy hallways keep the space cool, and an outdoor patio sits in the heart of the property. There's a shared kitchen, workspace, and lounge area, complete with fast WiFi throughout. Members can take advantage of the fully equipped kitchen, or Oaxaca's favorite bakery, Boulenc, scheduled to open this year.
Our goal is to build a strong community of colivers. We welcome like-minded people from all over the world who are looking for the joy of life. Our typical guests are digital nomads, professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone looking for shared experiences and an integrated community. Your new home comes with new friends. You don't need to look for your own roommates.
The eponymous capital of Oaxaca is a city rich in food traditions and centuries-old textile, clay, and wood workers. Walk around the neighborhood and rub shoulders with the locals over tlayudas, tacos de birria, and mole, all washed down with sweet agua fresca,
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