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彩色生活空间对于 Yuan cheng gong zuo ren yuan于 红木城

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彩色生活空间于 红木城

为"1: 2 "中的 "1 : 1 "提供了一种全新的传统住宿方式,巧妙地将公共生活福利与"1Yuan cheng gong zuo ren yuan "的特殊需求结合起来...

Nestled between Palo Alto and San Mateo, Redwood City is another lovely spot to continue the coliving adventure. You are in good company, with some of the largest software companies headquartered there.

Public transportation is quite limited in town, so having access to a car is ideal. The city is rated as somewhat walkable and somewhat bikeable. The city has several projects underway to improve alternative modes of transportation.

Weather is enjoyable like the rest of the Bay Area - sunny, Mediterranean days way above the national average, with cool wet winters and warm dry summers. The enjoyable climate makes for an ideal coliving hub amongst remote workers

The town is still in a stage of growth so there are many opportunities in town for short or long term stays. The downtown area was completely revitalized in 2000 to a warm spot bustling with boutiques and restaurants. Main attractions are for people who enjoy going outdoors - Edgewood national park reserve offers great walking tours and bird watching.

For day trips, nightlife, or weekends, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and San Jose are all just a short ride away. From San Francisco, you have access to many domestic and international flights.

There’s no shortage of food in town including, but certainly not limited to Persian, Italian, and South American - definitely try a ceviche!

Here are some fun facts about Redwood City:

- From April to November you can meet the farmers who grow your local produce - and enjoy the fruit (or vegetables) of their labor
- The city name is well fitted - giant redwoods are towering all over town
- There is a tin T-Rex named Dug who is dressed up like Elvis if you can find where he lives
- Redwood City has the only deepwater port in the South SF Bay, which makes it ideal for shipping
- Marine World opened in 1968, where tech giant Oracle’s headquarters are now located




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