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彩色生活空间对于 Shu zi you min于 檀香山

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彩色生活空间于 檀香山

为"1: 2 "中的 "1 : 1 "提供了一种全新的传统住宿方式,巧妙地将公共生活福利与"1Shu zi you min "的特殊需求结合起来...

Honolulu may just be the perfect coliving space in the United States of America. This is perfect for digital nomads who love spending their time in the outdoors in their free time. Honolulu is the largest city and capital of Hawaii, and home to close to 400,000 residents. The city name actually means sheltered harbor in Hawaiian. This beautiful city rests on the island of Oahu and sees a great number of annual tourists from all around the world. Hawaii is known for having some of the best weather year-round in the United States. With being the largest city in Hawaii, this also brings great nightlife and great seafood restaurants on almost every block in town.

For many Americans, it is a dream to visit Hawaii but gives you, a remote worker, the rare chance that most people dream of - to be able to call this island home, not just your holiday spot is an amazing reality for many living a remote lifestyle. The island is home to almost everything you could think of for outdoor lovers, from your water sports of scuba diving, kitesurfing, surfing, and sailing. If you wish to stay on dry land, there is also trekking, rock climbing, and camping. When you’re not spending your time working online, you will probably find most of your time will be spent outdoors enjoying the stunning weather.

Most people in Honolulu get around with one of two options. Option one is the public transit system which as of right now is only the bus, but to your advantage, the rail system should be up and running by the end of 2020. Option two is by car, although having a car here does not come cheap, but it is convenient. Honolulu is also home to one of the busiest international airports in the country with non-stop destinations to Asia, Mexico, and the continental United States, making it easy to head home and visit family or take a vacation off the island.

Fun facts about Honolulu:
- The Hawaiian language contains just 12 letters - five vowels, and seven consonants
- The Honolulu Symphony was conceived in 1900, making it the second oldest in America
- In the Hawaiian language, the word “Honolulu” can be translated to “sheltered bay” or “place of shelter”




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