Nana House Ericerira

Nana House Ericerira

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About Nana House Ericerira

Embedded In Nature

A place to ground yourself and reconnect - That's NaNa

NaNa is a place to resonate with yourself, slow down, feel, listen, and learn to follow your intuition.
We aim to enable you to feel free from social constraints and expectations - to broaden your perspectives and reconnect with your environment.

While in the 21st Century, our Western societies are highly focused on the individual level, we believe that our connections to our environment, including the people and nature, substantially impact our overall well-being. Thus, our mission is to help our participants reconnect with themselves and their surroundings.

We respect nature and care about the ecosystem - regional and global. Hence, we try to live sustainably and adapt this lifestyle to our retreats. Whenever possible, we buy regional and seasonal products. We support local farmers and avoid brands that exploit nature and workers.

We respect nature and care about the ecosystem - regional and global. Hence, we try to live sustainably and adapt this lifestyle to our retreats. Whenever possible, we buy regional and seasonal products. We support local farmers and avoid brands that exploit nature and workers.

Further, we donate up to 10% of our profits to NPOs that strive for sustainable social and environmental change.
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