Find the right residents for your communities. - The #1 coliving discovery and booking platform

Monthly visitors
Rated Excellent!

And we are growing every day!

Trusted by remote workers from leading companies worldwide


Our platform is build to make it easy for you to get new residents.

Easy listing process

We have made the listing process as intuitive and seamless as possible.

Free presence on #1 coliving platform

There is no charge for you to list on our marketplace.

Verified users

We require phone and email verification.

Community-focused residents

Our users are actually searching for a community.

Effortless deposit and rent collection

Once the booking is confirmed, we collect the first month's rent.

Reliable payouts

24 hours after the resident moves in, we notify you of your payout.

Who is using

Residents in coliving spaces predominantly consist of Millennials and Gen Z's, typically aged between 20 to 40 years, averaging around 30 years old. This living arrangement has gained substantial popularity in urban areas and cities, especially where housing options are both expensive and scarce.

Interns and new graduates

Freelancers and developers

Digital nomads and remote workers

Young professionals

Founders and entrepreneurs


View all community types

Trusted by leading coliving brands.

Join 530+ brands who uses to acquire great residents

+ 530 more

How it works


Add your properties


Receive booking requests


Evaluate residents


Accept bookings


Get paid 24 hours after move-in


Focus on what matters

We only make money when you make money

We charge a small commission per confirmed booking.
Commission fee
Only charged if your place is successfully booked.
of the first month's rent
of the first month's rent
Quality residents
Choose the residents of your liking.
Fast online bookings
No need for in-person viewings.
Get booked
Secure residents months in advance.


We only approve on average 20% of applications

Professional coliving operator

Your company runs safe, high-standard shared homes that focus on community.

6 residents or more

The minimum amount of residents to form a meaningful community-feeling.

Flexible stay

Many people prefer flexible living arrangements. At, people can stay for as little as one month, but you can set a longer minimum stay if necessary.

Bills included

Taxes, gas, electricity, water, utilities, tv, internet, etc. need to be included.

Shared common areas

Friendships are built in the kitchens, dining rooms, workspaces/studies, gyms, and living rooms.

Like minded community

You can easily describe which type of people your coliving is targeting.


New residents should not be required to bring their own furnishings.

Fast Wi-Fi

Residents expect to reliably communicate with the outside world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! We only charge a one-time commission fee which is automatically deducted from your payout of the first month’s rent. We also pass the payment processing fees on to you.

Our fees allow us to operate our platform and services: a dedicated customer support team, secure payment processing, API integrations and fraud detection. We only charge this small commission fee when a resident successfully books your place. And remember, on you can list an unlimited number of properties and chat with potential residents for free.

Unfortunately we do not currently offer any other pricing model, so our commission fee is always calculated as 25% of the first month’s rent.

Whilst other platforms charge 5% to 12% of the total contract value, with you only pay 25% of the first month’s rent. For instance, a booking that lasts for 10 months with a monthly rent of 1000 US$, would require a commission fee of 500-1,200 US$ on other platforms; with, you would only pay 250 US$ for the same booking!

No contract is required. If you are not happy, you can simply delete your listing and life goes on. When you add an account with us, you accept our Terms. That is enough for us!

Sure, he/she might not have given enough info for you to judge if they are a good fit for your community. You may start a chat to get more info from them. Then when ready, you can click "Accept", "Change" or "Decline" booking. connects you with the ideal residents without any additional marketing expenses.

Are you ready?

Start receiving booking requests!