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Handover Protocol Signing:
In addition to physically receiving the keys/door-code, you will also sign a handover protocol, which is a crucial part of a proper handover. It may occur that the host forgets about the protocol and does not ask you to sign it. In this case, we strongly recommend that you insist on signing this document in your own interest. Don't hesitate to remind the host about this step and ensure that it is completed.
Details in the Handover Protocol:
The protocol should include a record of the condition of the accommodation at the time of handover, noting any defects. It is advisable to take pictures of the accommodation as it is handed over and include all pertinent details you wish recorded in the handover protocol. This serves as a precaution in case of unforeseen events and simplifies the resolution of potential disagreements for both parties.
Confirming a Smooth Handover:
If the accommodation matches the presentation at the time of the booking request and you receive the keys/code along with the signed handover protocol, it can be assumed there was a smooth handover.
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