Stylish Building w/pool gym & sauna right in the heart of Medellin
Los Balsos n. 1

Stylish Building w/pool gym & sauna right in the heart of Medellin

community manager
Trusted host
Trust & Safety at
At, the pillars of trust and safety are fundamental to our community's integrity. We are committed to fostering a secure and reliable environment for all members.
Trusted host
Hosts earn trust by successfully completing bookings. A "trusted" badge is a sign of reliability and guest satisfaction.
Checked host
We rigorously verify host identities, scrutinize their social media, analyze guest reviews, and confirm contact information to ensure a secure and trustworthy experience.
Bed 91
Bed 91
Bed 91
Bed 100 / 10
Bed 1 month min.

Our Coliving is a space to connect connect with the community. Get ready to live a completely different experience; We are more than just a place to live, our spaces are designed for everyone.

Strategically located in Medellín, Colombia. Close to shopping centers and medical areas, providing unparalleled comfort and convenience in the heart of the city. We pride ourselves on offering fully furnished spaces designed with attention to detail like never before in a residential building. and convenience"

We are thrilled that you've chosen to explore and experience the City of Eternal Spring with us. Get ready to have a unique experience while you enjoy this wonderful city!

We're excited to welcome you.


Air condition
Air condition
Breakfast (chargeable)
Breakfast (chargeable)
Cleaning (all rooms)
Cleaning (all rooms)
Couples friendly
Couples friendly
Dinner (chargeable)
Dinner (chargeable)
Fast WiFi
Fast WiFi
Gym/fitness studio
Gym/fitness studio


Our Coliving ia a space to connect with the community. We are thrilled to welcome you as our guest and are dedicated to ensuring your stay is exceptional. Our team is always available to assist with any needs you may have. We aim to provide you with a unique experience where you feel as comfortable as you would in your own home.

Get ready to live a completely different experience; we are more than just a place to live, our spaces are designed for everyone.

Digital nomads Students Yogis Young professionals

Age range

Gender ratio

Community events

Community meals
Community meals
Fitness classes
Fitness classes
Language classes
Language classes
Meditation classes
Meditation classes

Room options

You'll be sharing this coliving with up to 90 other residents.

Check availability

Private rooms

  • Standard Room

    Private room · Couple-friendly · Queen bed · Private bathroom
    Air conditioning · Cleaning · Closet/drawers · Lock box · TV · WiFi
  • Superior

    Private room · Couple-friendly · Queen bed · Private bathroom
    Air conditioning · Closet/drawers · Lock box · Lock on door · Sheets & Pillows · TV · WiFi
  • Standard City View King

    Private room · Couple-friendly · King bed · Private bathroom
    Air conditioning · Balcony · Chair · Closet/drawers · Lock box · Lock on door · Sheets & Pillows · TV · WiFi
  • Standard City View Queen

    Private room · Couple-friendly · Queen bed · Private bathroom
    Air conditioning · Balcony · Chair · Closet/drawers · Sheets & Pillows · TV · WiFi

Book with confidence

Over 87,000 members have found their ideal coliving home through - Read more
  • We make sure that you are not paying more than you should.
  • We background-check each host before they list with us.
  • If you spot the same room cheaper elsewhere, we'll match that price.
  • Never pay a booking fee. More money for living instead.
  • We securely collect your rent, and pay the host 24 hours after you move in.
  • Cancel your stay at any time before moving in.
  • If the coliving doesn't match the description, notify us within 24 hours for refund or alternative.


Based on 1 review

Recent reviews


Versus Hotel (Los Balsos n. 1), Medellin
The exact location is provided after the booking is confirmed.

Los Balsos n. 1

We are located in El Poblado, one of the coolest neighborhoods in Medellin. It is a 5 minute walk from the El Tesoro shopping mall, 10 minutes from the Eafit University by car, 5 minutes by car from Provenza, it is close to restaurants and stores, and 30 minutes from the international airport.

The property is conveniently situated in a vibrant neighborhood, surrounded by numerous private residences. It offers easy access to essential amenities and shopping destinations.

Video tour

Things to know

House rules

• Move-in: 15:00
• Min. stay: 1 month
• Min. age: 18
• Parking: Parking On Property (Free)
• Kid friendly
• No self-hosted parties
• No smoking inside
• Pet friendly
• Quiet after 10pm

Property info

• Fire extinguisher
• Recycling garbage
• Reduced plastic use
• Safe/safety deposit box
• Security guard
• Smoke detectors

Security deposit

• 1000000 COP.
• Paid directly to host before move-in.

Booking rules

**Check-in and Check-out Times**
- **Check-in Time:** 3:00 PM
- **Check-out Time:** 12:00 PM

**Identification and Registration**
**Required Documents for Registration:**
- Identification
- Credit Card
- Contract Signature

**Security Deposit**
At check-in, the guest must leave a deposit of COP 1,000,000. This will be debited monthly in case of any damage within the room or property.

6. OBLIGACIONES Y FACULTADES DEL HUÉSPED. 6.1. El HUÉSPED debe registrarse en la recepción con documento de identidad legal, original e idóneo, presentando su cédula de ciudadanía en caso de ser colombiano mayor de edad, o su pasaporte o cédula de extranjería tratándose de extranjeros. Para menores de edad, deberá presentarse tarjeta de identidad o registro civil de nacimiento; los menores de edad deberán estar acompañados por sus padres, quienes firmarán todos documentos en su nombre. En caso de no estar presente los padres, los menores deben tener una autorización notariada autorizando a un tutor legal mayor de edad. 6.2. Diligenciar en forma fidedigna y clara toda la información que le corresponda en la Tarjeta de Registro de Alojamiento y firmarla. 6.3. Pagar el valor del hospedaje más los impuestos correspondientes, todos los consumos y cargos adicionales al inicio de la prestación del servicio. El día hotelero comprende el lapso de 24 horas de permanencia del huésped, a partir de la iniciación que fija el HOTEL. La utilización parcial del día hotelero causa el pago de la tarifa completa. 6.4. El HUÉSPED deberá conservar una conducta decorosa y vestir de manera apropiada. El HOTEL se abstendrá de prestar sus servicios cuando el comportamiento o la indumentaria del HUÉSPED no sea la adecuada. 6.5. Registrar en la recepción en la Tarjeta de Registro de Alojamiento a todos los huéspedes que compartirán la habitación; se prohíbe el ingreso a la habitación de personas no registradas en la reserva. El valor del acompañante ocasional es de $150 USD más IVA. 6.6. Acatar el número máximo de personas por habitación. 6.7. Utilizar los muebles, enseres, equipos y en general las facilidades y bienes de la habitación como del Hotel Versus, conservándolas en el estado en que se encuentren, y por tanto responderá por cualquier daño o pérdida de los mismos. En caso de pérdida o daño total o parcial de los bienes del Hotel Versus por causa atribuible al HUÉSPED, éste deberá pagar el precio correspondiente a su reparación o reposición, según el caso, y las sanciones a las que haya Iugar de acuerdo a las políticas del Hotel. 6.8. Respetar el personal del OPERADOR y sus instrucciones. 6.9. El HUÉSPED reconoce la autoridad del Gerente del HOTEL de las unidades habitacionales y de uso común. Este derecho se ejercerá de manera razonable e incluye la facultad de ingresar o registrar la habitación cuando a juicio del Gerente del HOTEL sea preciso. 6.10. Se obliga a admitir el ingreso a la habitación de personal de servicios médicos, funcionarios de seguridad o de la policía, en los eventos en los que se requiera. 6.11. Abstenerse de utilizar las instalaciones del Hotel Versus y de la habitación para realizar producciones fotográficas o audiovisuales, tanto con equipos profesionales como equipos de uso personal, de cualquier tipo de producto, servicio o marca, y realizar cualquier tipo de actividad comercial no autorizada. En caso de comprobarse que el HUÉSPED realizó esta conducta, éste deberá pagar el valor que el OPERADOR haya establecido para estas situaciones. 6.12. El HUÉSPED a su vez se obliga a observar los horarios y normas fijadas por el HOTEL, para la prestación de sus servicios. 7. TERMINACIÓN DEL CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE. 7.1. Por vencimiento del plazo pactado. 7.2. Por incumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones de las partes. El incumplimiento del HUÉSPED no lo exonerará del pago del canon completo por el plazo pactado. 7.3. Cuando el contrato sea a plazo determinado, terminará por el vencimiento de éste, en cuyo caso el HOTEL, podrá disponer de la habitación. En caso de terminación anticipada el HUÉSPED deberá pagar la tarifa correspondiente al plazo completo, a menos que exista causa razonable que, a juicio del HOTEL, ameriten la terminación anticipada del contrato, como son la calamidad doméstica, enfermedad del HUÉSPED, etc. 7.4 Si surge desacuerdo entre el HUÉSPED y el HOTEL en cuanto a terminación del contrato, el HOTEL, además de la suspensión del servicio, tomará todas las medidas necesarias para que el HUÉSPED pueda disponer de su equipaje y objetos personales, los trasladará a un depósito seguro y adecuado sin responsabilidad del HOTEL. 8. EFECTOS DE LA TERMINACIÓN DEL CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE. 8.1. El HUÉSPED no se entiende liberado ni exonerado del pago de todos los saldos pendientes, y las sanciones a las que haya Iugar por sus incumplimientos. 8.2. EL OPERADOR queda facultado para ingresar a la habitación, elaborar y suscribir un inventario del equipaje del HUÉSPED y retirarlos de la habitación para dejarlos en un depósito seguro y adecuado, sin responsabilidad del OPERADOR y por cuenta y riesgo del HUÉSPED. 8.4. Ver punto 5.4. 9. AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD. AUTORIZACIÓN USO DE DATOS E INFORMACIÓN. Al suscribir el presente contrato el HUÉSPED autoriza expresamente al OPERADOR, para recolectar y utilizar la información y los datos personales suministrados por el HUÉSPED en la Tarjeta de Registro de Alojamiento, de conformidad con las políticas de tratamiento seguro de la información establecidas por el OPERADOR y por las leyes vigentes, con el propósito de realizar actividades de fidelización y contactar al titular de la información para enviarle encuestas de calificación del servicio prestado luego de cada estadía, e información general que esté dirigida a que siga haciendo uso del servicio de alojamiento en el Hotel Versus. El HUÉSPED autoriza que la información sea transferida, transmitida, compartida y suministrada al personal de apoyo de las dependencias del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo a través del diligenciamiento de la Tarjeta de Registro de Alojamiento en el Sistema de Información de Alojamiento Turístico (SIAT), para fines estadísticos. De igual forma, el HUÉSPED autoriza al OPERADOR a realizar una consulta de antecedentes. El HUÉSPED, en su condición de titular de los datos personales, gozará de todos los derechos de Iey, en particular tendrá derecho en todo momento a conocer, acceder, actualizar y rectificar sus datos personales, revocar la autorización concedida o solicitar la supresión de información cuando ello sea procedente. El OPERADOR como responsable del tratamiento puede ser contactado para todo lo pertinente al teléfono (hidden info) o a la dirección de correo electrónico (hidden info) . 10. RÉGIMEN SANCIONATORIO. El HUÉSPED declara que conoce y acepta el régimen sancionatorio regulado en las políticas del Hotel, y se somete a las multas a que haya Iugar en caso de incumplimiento de sus obligaciones. 10.1. PENALIDAD POR FUMAR. Si el HUÉSPED decide fumar al interior de las instalaciones, se hará acreedor de una multa de $200 USD más IVA. 10.2. PENALIDAD POR RUIDO. Música a alto volumen o ruidos fuertes después de las 10 pm, genera una penalidad de $100 USD mas IVA. 11. POLÍTICA DE PREVENCION DE TURISMO SEXUAL En cumplimiento de lo previsto en la Ley 679 de 2001 y la Ley 1336 de 2009. 11.1 Se denunciará ante las autoridades competentes, cualquier acto de explotaci6n o abuso sexual. 11.2 Se adoptan medidas para impedir que los empleados promuevan el turismo y explotación sexual. 11.3 Se difunde la informaci6n a los HUESPEDES sobre la existencia de la legislación contra la explotación y turismo sexual, y sus respectivas sanciones civiles y penales. 11.4 Cualquier tipo de comportamiento exhibicionista o irregular en las áreas comunes del edificio y balcones de las habitaciones. 11.5 La toma de fotografías o grabación de videos de contenido sexual dentro de las zonas privadas y comunes del edificio. 11.6 El ingreso de menores de edad a los apartamentos a menos que estén acompañados por sus padres.

Cancellation Policy

Before Host Approval
  • No charges will be incurred
After Host Approval
  • Up to 30 days before moving in , 100% refund of the 1st month's rent .
The service and transaction fees are non-refundable.

Frequently asked questions

  • You may cancel with no fees until you have paid. Once you have paid for your booking, the Cancellation Policy needs to be followed.
  • You have 24hrs to let us know if everything is okay. If you think you’ve been missold to, or the listing was significantly different to what you got, we’ll help you find somewhere else to live, or refund your money.
  • The room you will be assigned might differ slightly from the photos but will match the room type. You are booking a room/bed by type, not a specific unit.
  • It’s enough that you accept our Residents Terms.
    100% online - no paperwork needed.
    Some hosts have contracts that you need to sign before moving in in case you wish to commit to a long-term stay.
  • You may book a shorter stay first and then extend once you know more about your needs.
  • Once you’ve been accepted and confirmed your ideal moving-in date, the host will be there to welcome you to your new home. They will help you settle in your room, show you around the space, and introduce you to the other community members. Once we’ve answered your questions, you will be given time to get settled and make yourself at home.
  • You don´t need to tour the property, and here is why:
    - Properties on have pictures and a clear description of the community, rooms, and common areas. Most of them also have 3D or video tours.
    - Restricting viewings provide equal opportunities for everyone, whether you are a local or live abroad. Plus, it preserves the privacy of our coliving communities.
    - If anything is unclear, you can easily reach out to the property by clicking "Contact host" and ask for more details. Make sure your questions are not already covered in the description or the FAQ section.
    - makes sure the coliving property is as advertised, by only sending any money to the operator 24h after you have successfully moved in.
    - If the property substantially differ from what is advertiser, you report it to us and we will help you find another place.
  • Top Questions
  • Yes, the apartment is private just for the people who booked it
  • Yes, they are allow with an extra cost, please be respectful of the house rules
  • Yes, it is possible to split the payment of the rent
  • There is a coworking space alongside the front desk and restaurant, where you can work with free Wifi access.
  • Inside your aparment it just going to be yourself, you will have all the privacy that you need.
  • Booking
  • This will be subject to unit availability and may incur additional costs.
  • Modifications to your reservation will always be subject to the availability of the property and as long as they do not violate the minimum stay policy in case you want to shorten your stay.
  • In the event that no charge is to be made for damages to the property, the deposit will be refunded immediately.
  • We look for open-minded, considerate individuals who are looking for an opportunity to share a beautiful home with other exciting people.
  • We do not check your credit history. The main factors to be accepted into our community are honesty, transparency, and the purpose of your trip.
  • Policies
  • Visitors are not allowed in the rooms, only in the common areas.
  • Admission of minors is only allowed when accompanied by their parents.
  • No, this is not allowed inside the property.
  • The hour of silence begins at 10 pm and ends at 8 am.
  • Of course. If a room is released and you want to move in, you will have the opportunity to pay the rent difference. We may also charge an additional room cleaning fee.
  • Yes. We will provide updated info once you have moved in.
  • It’s your home, so feel free to enjoy a drink whenever you wish, so long as you are respectful of your housemates. If you want to party, make sure you do that away from the property.
  • Amenities
  • Yes, there is, in each apartment we have a kitchen with all the accessories that you will need to cook
  • Yes, at the front desk you can request a drop off service to the airport.
  • Yes, there is a coworking alongside the front desk for you to work
  • Yes, the communal areas are cleaned up frequently
  • The coworking, the restaurant and cafe, the gym and rooftop also.
  • Yes, it is possible to store your luggage in case you need us to store it for you while you enter the room or in case you check out and have to wait until later to travel and you don't want to be moving around the city with it.
  • No, this is not necessary
  • Yes, you can do it for an additional cost
  • Community
  • The average Lentht of stay is 30 days
  • Our guests come from various parts of the world, so you will find a wide variety of cultures according to the nationalities of our guests.
  • Safety
  • Yes, there will be safe.
  • Yes, you can lock the door of your apartment.
  • Yes, the property has a security team of 24 hours available
  • It is a safe neighnorhood located in el Poblado, Medellin
  • Nearby
  • You can request a cab service from the front desk and the public service like the bus you can take it in front of the property
  • Kiin is strategically located in Medellín, Colombia. Close to shopping centers and medical areas, providing unparalleled comfort and convenience in the heart of the city.
  • We are approximately 30 minutes from JMC International Airport.
  • With just a few minute's walk, you have a selection of good and cheap restaurants.

Host information

community manager
Stay Sas
Trusted host
Trust & Safety at
At, the pillars of trust and safety are fundamental to our community's integrity. We are committed to fostering a secure and reliable environment for all members.
Trusted host
Hosts earn trust by successfully completing bookings. A "trusted" badge is a sign of reliability and guest satisfaction.
Checked host
We rigorously verify host identities, scrutinize their social media, analyze guest reviews, and confirm contact information to ensure a secure and trustworthy experience.
Stay Sas manages this listing in agreement with Every property is vetted for quality, and hosts are pre-qualified to meet's standards. They are open to any questions anytime before and during your stay.
Joined in May 2024
Response rate: 100%
Response time: 15 hours
Ask a question
- Bills included
Move in
Move out
Coliving Cash
Invite discount
Promo discount
Due on approval
Book now, pay later
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